课程 教育学硕士

考生将遵循两个轨道之一:小学或中学. Classes are taught in a hybrid manner with a mix of synchronous coursework (not to exceed two Wednesday evenings per month via Zoom) and asynchronous work. 


建造于5570年 夏天1 实习教师课堂管理 3
建造于5571年 夏天1 满足所有学习者对执业教师的需求 3
建造于5572年 下降1 在小学课堂中整合健康、运动和体育活动 3
建造于5573年 下降1 将艺术融入小学课堂 3
建造于5574年 春天1 实践教师的数学方法 3
建造于5575年 春天1 实践教师的科学方法 3
建造于5578年 夏天2 教学技术 & 实习教师评估 3
建造于5579年 夏天2 实习教师内容研讨会 3
建造于5576年 下降2 实践教师的语言艺术方法 3
建造于5577年 下降2 实践教师的social研究方法 3
建造于6580年 春季2 督导教学实习 3


建造于5570年 夏天1 实习教师课堂管理 3
建造于5571年 夏天1 满足所有学习者对执业教师的需求 3
建造于5581年 下降1 中学教学与实习教师教学 3
建造于5582年 下降1 次要内容方法1 3
建造于5583年 春天1 中学教学与实习教师评价 3
建造于5584年 春天1 次要内容方法2 3
建造于5578年 夏天2 教学技术 & 实习教师评估 3
建造于5579年 夏天2 实习教师内容研讨会 3
建造于5586年 下降2 支持内容领域扫盲 3
建造于5585年 下降2 学校是实践教师的社区 3
建造于6580年 春季2 督导教学实习 3


建造- 5570
The teacher candidate will understand how to promote collaborative learning environments that are inclusive of high standards; effective use of discipline and management techniques; effective 实现ation of directions, 赞美, 反馈, 例程, 转换, and procedures; and how to effectively manage time and space in an elementary or secondary classroom so that students can learn. Candidates use an understanding of learner development and individual differences to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, 鼓励积极的social互动, 积极参与学习, 和自我激励, 让教师和学生利用科技来创造富有成效和引人入胜的学习环境.

建造- 5571
The teacher candidate will understand how learners grow and develop and use the understanding of individual differences and development within and across the cognitive, 语言, social, 情感, 和物理区域创造一个高标准的环境. 候选人设计和实现发展适当, 有关, 严格的学习经验,支持个人和合作学习, 这些经历鼓励积极的social互动, 积极参与学习, 和自我激励.

建造- 5572
教师候选人将理解并演示健康的太阳城官网, 人体运动和身体活动,以支持K-6学生的学习需求. 课程内容将考察当前基于大脑的学习研究, 保健和保健倡议, 以及可以整合到跨课程学习经验中的学习标准. 候选人将理解并运用21世纪技能“社交技能” & Collaboration” to a K-6 lesson or unit and provides an artifact as evidence of learners growing in these skills as a result of instruction.

建造- 5573
教师候选人将理解并演示中心概念, 探究工具, 艺术(音乐)的结构, 视觉艺术, 跳舞, 和剧院)计划, 实现, 并评估艺术学习经验,使所有学习者参与批判性思维, 创造力, 合作解决问题. 课程内容将考察当前关于艺术和创造力对K-6学习者的好处的研究,并探讨策略, 工具, 以及将艺术融入跨学科学习体验的资源. Candidates will understand and apply the 21st Century Skill of “Creativity” to a K-6 lesson or unit and provides an artifact as evidence of learners growing in this skill as a result ofinstruction.

建造- 5574
教师候选人将理解并演示中心概念, 探究工具, 以及数学结构(计数和基数), 运算和代数思维, 十进制和分数的数字和运算, 测量和数据, 几何, 比率和比例关系, 统计和概率)计划, 实现, 并评估数学学习经验,使所有学生参与批判性思维, 创造力, 合作解决问题. 课程内容将考察与数学教学相关的成长心态研究, 促进高阶思维的教学与评估策略, 以及如何在K-6课堂上推广NCTM数学实践标准. Candidates will understand and apply the 21st Century Skill of “Critical Thinking” to a K-6 lesson or unit and provides an artifact as evidence of learners growing in this skill as a result of instruction. 

建造- 5575
教师候选人将理解和展示科学学科的核心思想, 横切概念, 以及科学和工程实践的规划, 实现, 并评估科学学习经验,以吸引所有初级学习者的好奇心, 探索, 推动实施, 概念的发展, 以及解决问题的能力. 内容将考察STEM资源和方法,以有效整合跨学科内容. Candidates will understand and apply the 21st Century Skill of “Information Literacy” to a K-6 lesson or unit and provides an artifact as evidence of learners growing in this skill as a result of instruction.

建造- 5576
教师候选人将理解并演示中心概念, 探究工具, 和英语/语言艺术的结构(阅读), 写作, 口语和听力, 和语言)计划, 实现, 评估所有学生批判性思维的语言艺术学习经验, 创造力, 合作解决问题. 内容将考察阅读科学的研究基地,以支持所有发展中的读者, 促进对策略的理解, 工具, 以及发展音位意识和读写能力的资源, 探索提高阅读流畅性和理解能力的策略. Candidates will understand and apply the 21st century skill of “Communication” to a K-6 lesson or unit and provides an artifact as evidence of learners growing in this skill as a result of instruction.

建造- 5577
教师候选人将理解并演示中心概念, 探究工具, 以及social研究的结构(人与地), 公民与政府, 地理位置, 经济学, 历史), 计划, 实现, 并评估social研究的学习经验,使所有学习者参与批判性思维, 创造力, 合作解决问题. 内容将检查策略, 工具, and resources to present effective social studies instruction and the integration of social studies topics into 语言 arts standards to support cross curricular connections. Candidates will understand and apply the 21st century skill of “Leadership” to a K-6 lesson or unit and provides an artifact as evidence of learners growing in this skill as a result of instruction.

建造- 5578
教学技术 & 实习教师考核(3)
The teacher candidate will acquire skills for successful utilizing various educational technologies to support instruction and 评估. Candidates will be exposed to 技术 and media literacy concepts to aid in the evaluation and selection of 工具 for the educational setting that promote engagement and improved student learning.

建造- 5579
本课程为课堂管理方面的教师提供准备和支持, 支持学习者的学业, social, 情感需求, 与学习者进行沟通和协作, 家庭, 的同事们, 学校的专业, 支持人员, 社区成员, 教师实践绩效评估(PPAT)组成部分的初步开发.

教师候选人将理解并演示中心概念, 探究工具, and structures of the discipline he/she teaches and create content-specific learning and literacy experiences that make the discipline accessible and 有关 to assure mastery of the content. Candidates will examine research-based strategies and methods to support students through varied and developmentally appropriate instruction within their discipline and begin creating a resource file for standards-aligned materials to support instruction in their discipline.

次要内容方法1 (3)
The teacher candidate will understand and plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, 技术, 课程, 跨学科技能, 还有教学法,以及对学习者和社区背景的了解. 候选人将计划, 实现, 并结合导师的输入和反馈来评估他们班级的学习经验. 候选人将每周与他们的导师会面,并完成每周关于指定主题的反思日志.

The teacher candidate will understand and demonstrate how to use multiple measures to monitor and assess individual student learning, 让学习者参与自我评估, 用数据来做决定. Students will explore a variety of resources and strategies and methods of 评估 that engage learners in monitoring their own progress, 特别是在评估计划中嵌入技术和差异化. Candidates will continue development of their resource file for standards-aligned materials that support 评估 in their discipline.

次要内容方法2 (3)
The teacher candidate will understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, 并培养以相关方式太阳城官网知识的技能. 候选人将计划, 实现, 并结合导师的输入和反馈来评估他们班级的学习经验. Emphasis will be placed on developing and applying appropriate 评估 techniques to ensure students obtain and apply knowledge. 候选人将每周与他们的导师会面,并完成每周关于指定主题的反思日志. 他们将提交5个或更多的课程计划,使用实践2评估教学计划的组合标准进行评估, 评估, 内容太阳城官网, 和一个人的实践的反映.

教师候选人将运用对个体差异的理解, 文化, 社区确保包容的学习环境,使每个学习者都能达到严格的标准. 课程内容将探讨种族的多样性, 种族, 宗教, 语言, 文化, social经济地位, 性别, 地理位置, and learner exceptionalities to understand how these differences contribute to the uniqueness of students and how the teacher candidate can best support the needs of each student relative to their lived experiences and needs as an individual.

Teacher candidates will develop an understanding of 语言 and the literacy process to promote effective teaching in secondary classrooms. 课程内容考察内容领域的阅读和写作, 以及支持学生读写能力发展的教学策略. 考生将理解并太阳城官网阅读知识, 写作, 说话, 听力技能是后天习得的, 发达, and deepened so that they can promote the acquisition of their discipline-specific 课程 in a supportive classroom environment that promotes high standards for all.

在认可和批准的学校环境中进行为期12周的监督实习. 候选人的指导老师将使用CPAST仪器提供至少三次评估和反馈. The successful completion of this course denotes a candidate’s mastery of the InTASC standards and the ability to be recommended for full Kansas teaching licensure.